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Image by Lukasz Szmigiel

Hi! I'm Aurora

I offer science-based solutions that give you the confidence & motivation you need to live the life you want.



I work predominately with professional women, who are either still in the corporate sector or have busted out and started their own thing. Because for all the amazing accomplishments feminism has brought us, we still have to wrestle with invisible/unpaid labor, body image issues, intersectional oppression, and a whole host of other stressors that too few people are talking about but we're all feeling the weight of.


And frankly, that's bullshirt.


We deserve better. But nobody is going to give it to us. We have to claim it for ourselves. And that work starts on the inside, unlearning and overcoming lifetimes' worth of gaslighting. So we can stand with confidence that we no longer question, and feel ourselves brimming with energy and motivation that will allow us to step forward with grace.


I offer as much Free Content as I possibly can. Articles, videos, affirmations, meditations, even recipes! Honestly if we had a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the United States, I would be more than happy to do all of this for free. But as long as capitalism reigns, I still have to play by at least some of its rules.


So I also offer Courses that are designed to help you better understand what is going on in your body and mind. I break down the neurophysiology along with evolutionary biology, anthropology, social sciences, and systems theory and make them as accessible as possible. Because when we truly grasp how all the different moving parts work together, we have a much greater ability to control them.


And you deserve to have control over your mind and body!


Mostly here on, to keep things easy. Any of my podcast interviews or YouTube videos I make sure to link from here as well.


I do some real-life in-person events too, though less now with the pandemic situation. If you'd like updates as they happen, I invite you to join my newsletter!


Coaching is done predominately on Zoom, but I'm happy to use a different platform if pre-arranged.


Whenever you want.


Seriously! This is your journey. You need to be able to walk it on your schedule.


I try to keep all of my content snackable (even my courses!) so you can dip in and out when you have time, or do a deep dive binge session if you're feeling it.


Part of this work we need to do is re-learning how to take the pressure off so we can get back to enjoying life. That includes managing our self growth too!


Most of the time, my Why is super self-evident. When I see the "a-ha moment" of a client getting a concept, connecting the dots, when they feel so awesome and empowered and know that nothing can stop them. There is nothing better than that moment.


Sometimes my Why is harder to keep track of. When I see so much needless violence in the world. People suffering. And I'm over here feeling powerless to do anything to help. That part is hard.


But then I remember the role of powerlessness in our society, and in our bodies. And I remind myself (just like I remind my clients) that ANY kind of positive action is meaningful. But especially if that action improves our body, our environment, or our community.


You are my community. You are my Why.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me! I'm a double Leo—I love to chat!

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